Creativity and Fear

Posted by Naba on 4:58 PM

My boyfriend suggested an idea for a podcast this morning.

It went something like this: try to get celebrities on the phone to ask questions that get progressively ridiculous. From the first call to a record label or agent to personal assistants to the celebrity him or herself, record the live conversations with people once or five times removed from the celebrity.

Not bad, I thought. I think people would listen.

But I don't know if either of us will do it. I have ideas like these. One's actually still on the back burner and I think it's because of fear. Sure, my initial objections would likely be related to logistics, but I truly think fear has something to do with it.

They may be small, they may ultimately be ridiculous, but I know they're there. What if it sounds terrible? What if it takes up too much time? What if I sound like an idiot?

What if, what if, what if.

Well, I have been thinking about blogging about my life, my job search, my spiritual life, my thoughts. My fear was this: What if my writing is terrible?

Answer: I'll deal with it. This comes from a book I haven't finished reading. Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway. I've had it kicking around for the longest while. My boyfriend and I even have a silly jingle for the title.

So here I am. Fearing my writing is crap, and doing it anyway.
