Isaac Hayes passes on at 65; Bernie Mac, 50

Posted by Naba on 10:33 PM

Wow. Two major entertainers gone in one weekend. I was really surprised by Isaac Hayes' death; there was nothing to precipitate it. He was on his treadmill at home.

Bernie Mac hadn't even been 50 for a whole year yet. He did have some lung problems that caused complications when he was hit with pneumonia. His family was by his side until the last moment and he gestured to his wife that his body was tired.

This reminds me of my own father's death. My father passed away in his 59th year quite suddenly after having a stroke. He took his last breath on Father's Day.

Daddy worked so hard from the moment he came to Canada from Ghana to provide a good life for his three girls. My mother was his beacon of strength and his best friend every day. As far as I'm concerned, he died having done his very best, and succeeded in his goal.

I know what Mac's and Hayes' families are feeling. But just as I did for my mother, I feel sorriest for the women who stood by their sides. No matter how much I might miss my father, I'm sure nothing compares to losing a beloved husband.

Nothing compares to losing your best friend.